CHAPTER 05 Cybersecurity Development

On Chapter 05 Cybersecurity Development in Automotive, we give a detailed overview of the implementation of cybersecurity activities during automotive development in a series of short videos.

Before we get started, it’s important to keep in mind: Cybersecurity cannot simply be added at the end of an automotive product’s development. Cybersecurity must be integrated holistically and correctly from the very beginning.

Although there are already tried-and-tested development processes in the automotive industry, there is a growing need to integrate cybersecurity correctly – and, above all, in accordance with UN Regulation No. 155, ISO/SAE 21434 and others. How can this be accomplished? It involves a myriad of specifications, processes, documents, work products and much more to ensure the required implementation of cybersecurity activities during development.

Complicating things further, regulations and standards don’t provide entirely precise guidance on how to meet expectations. That’s where our video courses on cybersecurity development in the automotive industry come in.

In this chapter, you’ll get detailed descriptions of how ISO/SAE 21434 requires cybersecurity to be integrated into the automotive development process. (Comparable to the Functional Safety requirements from ISO 26262 over a decade ago).

Here you will learn about decision-making on cybersecurity relevance, which paves the way for completing ISO/SAE 21434’s work products incl. Item Definition and TARA. Cybersecurity goals and claims resulting from the TARA will also be a covered. Ultimately, throughout this chapter you will gain the necessary knowledge to build a Cybersecurity Concept, as required by ISO/SAE 21434.

After watching all related video courses, you will understand how cybersecurity should be properly integrated within the automotive development project. In addition, our video courses are designed to give you the best possible guidance for practice – based on our diverse project experience as a cybersecurity consultancy for the automotive industry.

Who our Cybersecurity Development courses in automotive are made for

For Professionals Involved in Development Stages

Throughout these courses you will get a detailed overview on the implementation of cybersecurity during the development phases and learn exactly which work products should result from each stage as required by ISO/SAE 21434. Additionally you will learn how to integrate cybersecurity into the V-model.

For All Professionals Involved In Ensuring Cybersecurity

Are you aiming to integrate cybersecurity in development in accordance with current demands? By watching this chapter’s video courses you will not only get a detailed view on how cybersecurity is implemented at each of all product development stages, but also get guidance on all documents required by ISO/SAE 21434.

Watch the latest Cybersecurity Development courses in Automotive video courses and more