Start of the CYRES Academy Online Learn Platform

Start of the CYRES Academy Online Learn Platform: Automotive cybersecurity trainings, On-Demand Videos and more

The upcoming automotive cyber security standards and regulations (first of all ISO/SAE 21434 as well as UN Regulation No. 155) challenge the entire automotive value chain to holistically understand and fully provide cyber security along the vehicle product life cycle. And this is already happening today, with relevant regulations already in effect. [...]
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Cybersecurity product development

How to integrate cybersecurity throughout development projects in automotive?

When it comes to cybersecurity in the automotive industry, we have to face the fact that there is a rising need for it. This is not only because the car is becoming autonomous, connected, electric or shared – it is about the accelerating pace of technological innovations in all parts of the lifecycle, including the whole ecosystem and the ongoing... read more →
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