What is Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in Automotive?

The Cybersecurity Risk Assessment In Automotive video course provides a concise overview also on the topic, also known as Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA).

After watching this video, you will be able to classify the different steps for executing the Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment in automotive, identify new challenges impacting the development caused by TARA’s and understand how TARA differs from Functional Safety’s HARA.

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Get an Overview of Cybersecurity Risk Assessment (TARA) in Automotive and a Detailed Summary of the Risk Assessment Process.

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment is the precedent activity to identifying cybersecurity goals as it assesses the amount of cybersecurity needed. It is relatively a new method in the automotive industry. This introductory video course provides a clear summary of Risk Assessment and the key steps in the Risk Assessment process.

First, you will learn the importance of Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in product development. This includes how the TARA identifies threats to the system resulting from vulnerabilities and how the results of the TARA impact all subsequent activities and further areas in the development and even post-development.

A short overview of the Cybersecurity Risk Assessment is provided including the definition of TARA, the variables for quantifying risk as per ISO/SAE 21434 and the Risk Assessment methodologies that already exist in the automotive world. Next, an overview of the Risk Assessment Process is provided and a more detailed description of the individual key steps in the Risk Assessment Process. During the process description you will also learn what differentiates the TARA from Functional Safety’s HARA.

Who our Cybersecurity Risk Assessment – Summary video course is made for

New to Cybersecurity

Are you joining or recently joined the exciting world of cybersecurity? With this video course you will get a clear overview of the Cybersecurity Risk Assessment, and benefit from a detailed description of the key steps in the Risk Assessment process. You will also learn the importance of the TARA and how it impacts all subsequent activities and further areas in the development and post-development.

Specialist in another discipline

Are you already a specialist in another discipline of automotive development? If yes, you will know that understanding key aspects of your neighboring disciplines is of benefit in providing a holistic approach to overall development. This video offers a clear and concise overview of Cybersecurity Risk Assessment including why it is so important and a detailed description of the key steps in the Risk Assessment process.

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Summary – Video course content

I. Intro to Cybersecurity Risk Assessment – Summary

Fasten your seat belt and let’s get started. In the intro you will get to know what you will learn in this video course about the Cybersecurity Risk Assessment. Furthermore, you will learn why the TARA is so important for automotive cybersecurity.

II. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment (TARA) Overview

This video provides the definition of TARA, the variables for quantifying risks, and several risk assessment methodologies.

III. ISO/SAE 21434 Risk Assessment Process

In this part of the course, we will see the overview of the cybersecurity risk assessment process. We will go through all steps: starting with asset identification and threat scenario identification, to impact & attack feasibility rating, and not to forget the attack path analysis, risk value determination and risk treatment decision. Additionally, we will have a look at the STRIDE-model for identifying computer security threats.

IV. Sum Up

Here is a sum up and short overview of what you have learned today about Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and TARA.

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