Ensure a secure software update with UN Regulation No. 156

With UN Regulation No. 156 (UN R156) and the requirements for the Software Update Management System (SUMS), the automotive industry is urged to act quickly. The UN 156 regulation is mandatory for all UNECE countries and suppliers providing for UN countries. Therefore, compliance is not optional, it’s a requirement for all parties involved. How do you get started? Get in contact with an expert.

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UN R156 timeline
SUMS webcast

Why preparing for UN R156 before it comes into effect on July 2022 and July 2024 is crucial

  • Even newly launched vehicle types must also ensure compliance with the regulation by July 2022
  • All newly produced cars must comply with the regulation by July 2024 at the latest
  • The European Union has already adapted UN R156 into applicable law, meaning that the respective requirements are legally binding in the EU
  • Non-European car manufacturers who want to sell their cars in UNECE member states, are required to adopt equivalent principles to UN R156 and demonstrate compliance

Thus, there is a significant pressure on the automotive value chain to act in order to correctly set the course for the newly defined requirements for software updates, the software update management system and over-the-air updates in practice.

Understand the full scope of the impact of UN R156

In order to understand all the various aspects affected by UN Regulation No. 156 when it comes to ensuring secure software updates, it helps to structure the requirements. Therefore, in order to perform a secure software update in accordance with UN R156, it is necessary to correctly consider certain requirements. These concern:

  • the Original Equipment Manufacturer in cooperation with its suppliers,
  • the vehicle type
  • the proper consideration of the vehicle owner/user as part of the update process

At the same time it is important to understand that the requirements of UN Regulation No 156 cover the level of the organization, the specific project (across all phases of the entire product lifecycle) and the respective Software Update Campaign.

UN R156 regulations scope

Start building an understanding of UN R156

While UN R155 (and the CSMS) is already widely known, UN Regulation No. 156 creates further pressure for the automotive industry. Our video learning course gives a first overview to understand the overall context around the Secure Software Update Management System (SUMS).

Understand the full scope of UN R156

What impact will UN Regulation No. 156 have on your organization and your processes? What aspects of Update Management does it actually cover? Our learning video course is designed to help you grasp the full scope of the requirements for secure updates.

Learn about the compliance challenges of UN R156

Compliance along UN Regulation No 156 plays a serious role in type approval. Accordingly, is UN R156 only an issue for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)? It is not that simple. In this video course, we discuss the regulatory challenges along the value chain.

SUMS Webcast

Planning for tomorrow’s UN R156 regulation starts today

For the overall security and integrity of the software update process, it is not only necessary to involve all players in the value chain, but it is also important to take the software update requirements into consideration.

In the context of the pre-update, it is important to ensure that the preconditions for the update are properly in place – from the update infrastructure to the vehicle and more.

For the execution of the actual over-the-air update, it is also necessary to ensure certain parameters.

And afterwards, in the post-update phase, further requirements have to be met, e.g. with regard to documentation, etc.

The RXSWIN (the Regulation X Software Identification Number) plays a crucial role in the UN R156 assessment. The RXSWIN can be thought of as a dedicated identifier for the type approval relevant software of the Electronic Control System, defined by the vehicle manufacturer.

Let’s start a conversation surrounding your UN R156 compliance

    Please note: The presented offer of CYRES Consulting UN R156 assessment is a non-binding offer. Please use the form for your first non-binding inquiry. In the following dialogue we will present you the scope of our specific services and define the organizational details together with you.


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