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Automotive cybersecurity training now as on-demand video course

In other industries, cybersecurity knowledge has been readily available for decades, whereas in the automotive industry it is still hard to come by. This current situation only exacerbates the challenge to properly integrate cybersecurity during product development in the vehicle industry as demanded by emerging standards and regulations.

Without proper competence management, sufficient cybersecurity awareness, and competence; vehicle security also becomes insufficient and prevents organizations from doing business when standards and regulations are not met.

Specifically, the ISO/SAE 21434 under 5.4.2 Cybersecurity culture [RQ-05-07] states that persons involved in cybersecurity shall have competence and awareness to fulfill their responsibilities.

Due to this undeniable need and increasing demand, we at CYRES Consulting, besides handling our daily automotive cybersecurity consultancy business, created the already worldwide recognized CYRES Academy. Hundreds of learning materials focused on automotive cybersecurity can be found in the CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform in the form of educational webcasts, on-demand video courses specialized in a myriad of topics and live automotive cybersecurity trainings, also now available on-demand.

To grant a holistic framework in which competences across the different levels of competency are targeted and enable ISO/SAE 21434 compliance in organizations, we launched the Automotive Cybersecurity Professional Framework (ACP Framework). Thus, enabling organizations and those responsible for automotive cybersecurity to establish necessary cybersecurity competencies.

The automotive cybersecurity trainings have already been recognized by cybersecurity managers from global companies like Aston Martin, Bosch or TomTom, who gained relevant knowledge for the implementation of cybersecurity in the automotive industry in real time.

However, in our experience, we have seen most executives and managers who constantly have full agendas, struggle to additionally fit in time-intensive educational live trainings and at fixed dates. This is especially true when the whole automotive industry is facing time constraints, for instance, because of pending audits or projects. In a challenge that is constantly affecting the entire automotive value chain, we are additionally offering the live ACP Level 1 “Foundation” training content as an on-demand video course.

UNR155 and ISO/SAE 21434 demands on competence

Increasing pressure from ISO/SAE 21434 and UN Regulation No. 155 make it all necessary for organizations to build and manage competences. Therefore, reliable knowledge in cybersecurity management and engineering is essential.

Under the aforementioned ISO/SAE 21434 5.4.2 Cybersecurity culture [RQ-05-07] requirement, it also suggests a training program could include organizational rules and processes regarding cybersecurity, including risk management.

Having the ISO/SAE 21434 wide scope in mind and its effects on all structures, processes along the entire lifecycle, and roles, it is already clear that multiple targets of automotive cybersecurity competences for each organization’s roles and functions are required. Therefore, it already teases the need to build automotive cybersecurity knowledge and implement a competence framework that suits each role and function in the organization, from executives to cybersecurity responsibles.

How the CYRES Academy and ACP Framework fulfill competence needs

We have established that fulfilling international standards such as the ISO/SAE 21434 Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering and regulations like the UN Regulation No. 155 is a challenge for the entire automotive value chain and demand building of competences.

The purpose of the CYRES Academy from day one has been to provide the until then missing reliable knowledge through live automotive cybersecurity trainings.

The available learning material at the CYRES Academy online learning platform is the end product of having gathered hundreds of experts from different disciplines and global leader Tier-1 supplier throughout the automotive cybersecurity training’s creation process.

Thus, we can say the CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform efficiently wraps up vast years of experience from the automotive cybersecurity field experts from world leading organizations, making it an invaluable resource for professionals.

Moreover, we are already providing a holistic competency management framework with the Automotive Cybersecurity Professional Framework (ACP Framework).

The Automotive Cybersecurity Professional Framework (ACP Framework) provides trainings for different levels with the ACP Level 1 “Foundation” training and ACP Level 2 “Advanced Engineering” of competency and provide associated certification with TÜV Rheinland Certified qualification (more information on this further down). Both of which target different levels of expertise and learning needs.

CYRES Academy automotive cybersecurity trainings as a measure

Up to 2022, 2 years after the first COVID-19 lockdown took place, we have been constantly adapting the CYRES Academy automotive cybersecurity trainings to the changing automotive market needs.

From changing corporate world landscape demands for increasing advanced education, driving costs down amid a potential recession, to limiting and rethinking on-site events due to restrictions and cost pressure; a demand for increased flexibility and online presence was eminent.

Due to increased international demand to successfully enabling organizations to build up the required and much needed cybersecurity knowledge for automotive, we launched the CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform, where we transitioned from on-site automotive cybersecurity trainings to online automotive cybersecurity trainings.

Now, we make it even easier for professionals eager to learn automotive cybersecurity with the ACP L1 “Foundation” automotive cybersecurity training as on-demand video course. With total flexibility, no availability and time constraints, we are aiming to enable even more professionals in automotive to become knowledgeable automotive cybersecurity professionals with a framework to back the acquired competences up. This is being achieved by having turn each of our ACP Level 1 “Foundation” automotive cybersecurity training chapters and modules into separate videos and consolidating them as an 8 hour on-demand video course. Additionally, you can also access each of the dozens of specialized topics of your choice and watch at your own convenience separately.

New: ACP Level 1 “Foundation” automotive cybersecurity training as on-demand video course

In our commitment to constantly improve our customers’ experience and quickly adapt our education offerings to current needs, we are now offering the ACP Level 1 “Foundation” automotive cybersecurity training as an 8-hour on-demand video course.

This solution offers professionals the opportunity to learn at their own pace, using their preferred device, and define their own schedule. All without having to sacrifice the quality of the acquired knowledge as opposed to reading reference books or blog articles.

Here is what you get in summary:

  • 8 hours of high quality learning material
  • 45 video lessons
  • over 100 videos
  • exclusive content, e.g. on how to consider ISO/SAE 21434 work product
  • based on ISO/SAE 21434:2021 (“First Edition”)

You can get started right away:

Relevance of automotive cybersecurity training learning material

So what is in it? The ACP Level 1 “Foundation” automotive cybersecurity training was designed to address the practical implementation of ISO/SAE 21434 and beyond.

Throughout seven chapters: Cybersecurity Awareness, Regulations Standards and Initiatives, Automotive Cybersecurity Ecosystem, Cybersecurity Management, Cybersecurity Development, Cybersecurity Risk Assessment, and Cybersecurity Validation & Verification, you will learn how to deal with ISO/SAE 21434 but not only.

During the first chapter, participants will get an overview on the much needed, and actually demanded by ISO/SAE 21434 cybersecurity awareness. First, starting by understanding the main automotive cybersecurity terms and definitions, then getting to know the most known automotive hacks, and trends impacting cybersecurity.

As far as standards and regulations, participants will not only learn about the ISO/SAE 21434 standard and UN Regulation No. 155 (specifically on CSMS and type approval), but also about the UN Regulation No. 156 which deals with software update management systems (SUMS).

The ACP Level 1 “Foundation” training video course also includes vast content on cybersecurity management, from policy, rules, processes, resources, to cybersecurity culture, competence management and several ISO/SAE 21434 work products. For instance, the cybersecurity plan, cybersecurity interface agreement, cybersecurity case, cybersecurity incident response plan, and more. Other cybersecurity management topics demanded in ISO/SAE 21434 are also covered, such as the supplier selection process, cybersecurity audits and assessments, tool management, and vulnerability analysis.

Furthermore, multiple lessons on cybersecurity development, including Threat Analysis and risk Assessment (TARA), cybersecurity relevance, cybersecurity validation, and work products such as the cybersecurity concept and item definition.

Finally, participants will also get to know the main cybersecurity risk assessment activities and get an introduction to cybersecurity testing and validation.

Getting started through the CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform

To get started you only need to do the following:

  1. Access the On-Demand ACP Level 1 “Foundation” through the CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform here
  2. Use the checkout functionality to receive the ACP Level 1 “Foundation” as on-demand video course
  3. With the first checkout, your account to the platform will be created (please note the confirmation email)
  4. Using your login credentials, you can find the ACP Level 1 “Foundation” training in your CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform account and access it from anywhere with any device
  5. Start watching

Get started with official certification with the ACP Level 1 “Foundation” on-demand video course

After you’ve watched and completed the whole On-Demand ACP Level 1 “Foundation”, participants get a certificate of attendance, which is included in the price. This certificate of attendance enables participation for the corresponding official examination with TÜV Rheinland Certified Qualification to achieve the automotive cybersecurity certification.

Registration for the associated official examination through the CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform is required.

The examinations are scheduled as online live events, where the exam is taken in real time through the TÜV Rheinland exam portal, under a supervised live meeting with activated webcam via the video conferencing solution alfaview.

After successfully passing the examination, examinees will receive their Automotive Cybersecurity Professional – Foundation Level with TÜV Rheinland Certified Qualification as an official certification, which is internationally recognized and valid for three years.

More learning resources available

Besides the ACP Level 1 “Foundation” training as on-demand video course, there are plenty of more learning opportunities outside the ACP L1 “Foundation” training course content and single video courses from the ACP L2 “Advanced Engineering” training course. You are more than welcome to also browse through our previously recorded educational webcasts also available on the CYRES Academy Online Learning Platform.

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